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Residents of Sherigu demand immediate return of contractor for Bolga-Sherigu-Naaga road

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Residents of Sherigu and surrounding communities are fed up with the delayed completion of the Bolga-Sherigu-Naaga road and are demanding immediate action.

At a press conference held on October 24, 2024, Stephen Abelimah Akugre, the Assembly Member for the Kumblingo/Bolingo Electoral Area and Presiding Member of the Bolgatanga Municipal Assembly, called on the government to take action. He urged the Municipal Chief Executive, the Regional Minister, and the Roads and Highways Minister to ensure the contractor, Araco Construction Limited, returns to the site within 10 days.

“We are not here to simply complain; we are here to demand action. Today, we call on the government, through the Bolgatanga Municipal Chief Executive, Rex Asanga, the Upper East Regional Minister, Dr. Hafiz Bin Salih, and the Minister of Roads and Highways, Francis Asenso-Boakye, to immediately intervene in this matter. We demand that Araco Construction Limited return to the site and complete the Bolgatanga-Sherigu-Naaga road before the end of 2024,” Akugre stated.

“We are tired of empty promises and delays, and we believe it is time for the government to hold the contractor accountable for his actions. The people of Sherigu, Naaga, Tanzui, Zorbisi, Sokabisi, and the surrounding communities will not tolerate any further delays. We are giving the government and the contractor a 10-day ultimatum, starting from today, to take decisive action.”

The 30.85-kilometer road project, awarded in 2018, was expected to be completed within 24 months. However, five years on, the community is still grappling with the dangers posed by an incomplete road. At the press conference, residents threatened a massive demonstration against both the contractor and the government.

“If Araco Construction Limited fails to return to the site and resume work within this period, we will have no choice but to organize a massive protest against both the contractor and the government. This protest will not be a mere demonstration of frustration; it will be a powerful message that the people of Sherigu and the affected communities will no longer accept being neglected and disregarded,” they warned.

Residents emphasized that they are entitled to good roads, safe transportation, and a healthy environment.

Source: A1Radioonline.com | 101.1MHz | David Azure | Sherigu

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